Sometimes when life gets too much, and you can’t see a way through, just getting outside and having a break has enormous benefits. I’m sure many of us just need some time away from the computer! Being outdoors and taking that break can offer many benefits for our mental and physical wellbeing.
We have probably all read reports that tell us that just a few minutes outside in the sun can make a real difference to us - it ups our Vitamin D levels, which can in turn help us with our bone health and our wellbeing.
Just being out in the fresh air helps with our lung function and helps to clear our minds and in turn can help with reducing stress.
So, let’s look at the lush green outside and see how it makes us feel.
I love looking out of the window and experiencing the feel-good factor of looking out to tidy green lawns and trees. I know that for me, the colour green can help to reduce stress factors, increase creativity, and improve my moods. It also helps with my mental health and well-being.
Who would think that the colour green which is often associated with balance and stability can do so much for us? This relaxing colour can also promote peace and tranquillity.
Interestingly, green is often used in healthcare settings it can have a reassuring effect on patients. Many hospitals and clinics incorporate green décor for this very reason.
For me it promotes hopefulness and optimism. The months of May into June when the trees are dressing themselves with green after the winter months bring with them a vibrancy and renewal, a time to start over. Perhaps a time to reflect and consider what positive elements you want to continue/introduce to your business and workplaces.
Green can be a motivating colour, one that could inspire us to act and move forward. This is due to its psychological impact and its associations – for example:
RENEWAL | Growth and progression |
BALANCE | Motivating us to stay grounded |
OPTIMISM | Businesses often use it in branding, it can convey positivity |
HEALING | A soothing environment |
NATURE | Connecting us to the outdoors and promoting well-being. This in turn can boost our mood. |
The longer days coupled with warm weather can also help us renew commitment to our well-being and that of our staff. Why not try some of the ideas below?
- Create a Supportive Environment - ensure employees feel valued, remain healthy and motivated. Take time to look at the organisation's culture. Improve employee retention. Develop key management skills, build the next generation manager. Improve comms and become a better team player.
- Flexible work – look at the options available flexible hours or remote working to promote work life balance.
- Take a break! Remember to take your eyes off the computer; the HSE suggests a 5-10 min break after 50-60 mins activity. Just stepping away from your desk and giving your eyes a break from the screen will help and make you more focussed and in a better place for when you return. (Further information can be found on the HSE website).
- Walking Challenge – in the spirit of teamwork, encourage each other to take short walks. Even just moving is important, have a stretch and move your body.
- Take time to Talk – perhaps once a month discuss the good and not so good points of work and what you can do going forward. This too will help to maintain good well-being and mental health.
- Health and Safety – Carry out the necessary ergonomic assessments.
- Friday Treats – Reward yourself - I wonder what you will choose?
- Take a Mental Health/ Wellbeing Day – Be kind to yourself, plan and give yourself a day off just for you.
Recent findings from Dr Sarah Hughes Chief Executive of Mind, states that the will, passion, and dedication in evidence from the Mental Health week gives her hope that the challenges can be addressed. Because when we get the mental health services right and provide world leading support, lives are transformed.
One final thought; if you or your staff need some transformation, motivation or time to be creative and do things differently, then why not talk to us here at Thornfields? We have courses that can help, such as: