Our trainers are passionate and dedicated to supporting leaders, managers and assistants as they work towards gaining their ILM qualifications.

  • ILM-accredited courses are internationally recognised in higher education, adding real value and providing development opportunities for leaders and managers.
  • Leadership capabilities and key skills are enhanced through effective communication, relationship building and motivation of practice teams.
  • Assessments allow leaders and managers to demonstrate how they can implement their new skills at their GP practice.
  • Measured results ensure that the new skills you learn are transferred to your practice, leading to increased productivity, innovation and better management systems.

Read the article from the Institute of Leadership and Management’s own Spotlight publication, that details the value of our Primary Care ILM qualifications. Read the Spotlight publication

ILM 2 Award in Effective Team Member Skills

Ideal for individuals who have just joined a new organisation or team or for more experienced team members who would like to gain a qualification.

This award looks at team roles, what makes a team work well, how to build relationships and deal with conflict in a team. The learner also identifies their own strengths and weaknesses to help them perform better in their roles and have greater job satisfaction.

As an attendee you will get

  • A solid understanding of teamwork and what makes a good team
  • Tools to analyse and improve your own performance
  • Know how to resolve conflict in your team
  • Communicate clearly and confidently, understand and resolve barriers to communication

As an employer you will get

  • Capable, well-equipped teams who work well together
  • Effective communication, inside and outside the team, enhancing performance
  • Improved personal accountability and motivation

ILM3 Award in Leadership & Managing People with Confidence

Specifically for new or aspiring managers and supervisors, or established managers who want to refresh their skills. This qualification aims to create confident, competent managers with the skills to tackle the toughest of challenges in a primary care setting.

As an attendee you will get

  • The chance to grow your self-confidence and personal brand
  • A nationally recognised professional qualification
  • Skills and tools to put into practice in your ever-evolving role

As an employer you’ll get

  • Managers who are confident in developing their skills and abilities
  • Assertive professionals able to challenge when they see things that could be improved
  • Staff who communicate more effectively with you, other colleagues and supporting agencies.

ILM5 Award in Leadership & Management in Primary Care

Designed especially for experienced practice managers, who will gain the skills and confidence to lead and manage effectively. Our two bespoke modules will explore becoming an effective leader, as well coaching and mentoring skills. Staff who conquer these new challenges and learn new mind-sets are not only more effective, they are also more resilient as they move forward in their career.

As an attendee you will get

  • To develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire your team
  • To learn how to implement strategic leadership and improve results
  • A clear career progression pathway to grow as a professional into the future
  • The tools and techniques to coach and mentor the next generation of leaders within the NHS

As an employer you’ll get

  • The reassurance that your staff are future proofed to be more effective, better prepared, and more strategically aware of whatever the future may hold
  • Staff who feel valued and secure in the knowledge that you are investing in their future

ILM5 Certificate in Primary Healthcare Management

If you’re a senior primary care manager who wants to take your skills and vision to the next level, then this, our flagship qualification is designed with you in mind.

As an attendee you will get

  • The confidence and resilience to not just meet your targets, but exceed them every time
  • A raised profile in your organisation as you invest in your own, personal brand
  • Managerial skills bench marked against the best-in-class

As an employer you’ll get

  • The chance to truly invest in your staff for the rest of their career, broadening their horizons and watching them thrive as they develop
  • Staff who have everything they need to become the visionary primary care leaders of the future
  • Managers who will partner with you to raise the practice profile to excellent/outstanding in all areas of the business.