Workshop Objective

By the end of this half day programme delegates will have a good level of understanding of their personal responsibilities for health and safety and the responsibilities of others. Delegates will examine why health and safety is important and how primary care is affected. Risk management and assessment is a key issue in good health and safety management and delegates will use this principle to look at the key risk areas.

Workshop Price

We can deliver our workshops virtually or face-to-face and provide supporting course materials.

Full Day Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome of this workshops are:

  • Health and safety in primary care settings
  • Key responsibilities for health and safety
  • The risk management process
  • Learning from accidents and incidents
  • Creating a safe place of work
  • Workplace risk assessment
  • Using Display Screen equipment
    • Regulations
    • Hazardous practices
  • Posture and work station set up
  • Safe lifting and handling
  • Should I risk It? - assessment using the TILE principle
  • Safe practices for lifting
  • Hazardous substances in Primary care workplaces
  • Preventative actions and procedures
  • Electricity and fire - the common problems
  • Being safe in the event of a fire
  • Your personal safety - are you in danger?
  • Working alone
  • Developing your confidence

Half Day Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome of this workshops are:

  • Health and safety in primary care settings
  • Key responsibilities for health and safety
  • The risk management process
  • Accidents and incidents – records and learning
  • Assessing workplace risks
  • Using Display Screen equipment
    • Regulations
    • Hazardous practices
  • Posture and work station set up
  • Hazardous substances in Primary care workplaces
  • Preventative actions and procedures
  • Your personal safety - are you in danger?
  • Working alone
  • Developing your confidence
  • Action Plan